The Groundhog Day 2025 season is now under way! Find the latest predictions here and public events here.
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Groundhog Day 2024 Predictions

There are a lot of Groundhog Day Forecasters around the world and they don't all always agree on whether there will be 6 more week or 6 less weeks of winter. On this page, we've collected as many predictions as we could find for Groundhog Day 2024, so we can tell you what the consensus is. If we missed a prediction, let us know. If you're looking for a prognosticator to check out for Groundhog Day 2024, view our list of Groundhog Day 2024 Events.

Aggregate Groundhog Day 2024 Predictions: Early Spring

Total Predictions: 106

Early Spring : 72.64% (77 predictions)


Long Winter : 27.36% (29 predictions)


Predictions by forecaster:

Prediction Name Type
Early SpringAllen McButterpantsGroundhog
Long WinterAtheneBurrowing owl mascot
Early SpringBabylon BelleGroundhog Mascot
Long WinterBalzac BillyGopher mascot
Early SpringBeardsley BartStuffed Prairie Dog
Early SpringBee Cave BobArmadillo
Early SpringBenny the BassBass
Early SpringBig AlAlligator
Long WinterBowman BillGroundhog Puppet
Early SpringBristol BobTaxidermy Groundhog
Early SpringBuckeye ChuckGroundhog
Long WinterBuffalo BertGroundhog
Early SpringCedarGroundhog
Long WinterChicago HarryGroundhog
Early SpringChilly CharlieGroundhog mascot
Long WinterChuck WoodAnimatronic groundhog puppet
Early SpringChucklesGroundhog
Long WinterCincinnati SammyStuffed Groundhog
Early SpringCluxatawney HenriettaFaverolles Chicken
Mild weather for a while but don't be fooledConcord CasimirCat
Early SpringConcord CharlieUnseen Groundhog
Long WinterDover DougGroundhog mascot
Early SpringDunkirk DaveGroundhog
Early SpringEdgewater ElsieGroundhog sock puppet
Early SpringElliott the GroundhogGroundhog
Long WinterElsa the HedgehogHedgehog
Early SpringFenwick FlossieGroundhog mascot
Early SpringFlatiron FreddyStuffed yellow-bellied marmot
Early SpringFred la marmotteGroundhog
Early SpringFrench Creek FreddieGroundhog
Early SpringGeneral Beauregard LeeGroundhog
Early SpringGertie the GroundhogGroundhog
Long WinterGrover Cleveland UndergrounderGroundhog
Early SpringGrover the Groundhog and Sweet Arrow SueStuffed groundhog
Early SpringHarleysville HankStuffed groundhog
Early SpringHeaven's Wildlife HarveyGroundhog
Early SpringHoltsville HalGroundhog
Early SpringHope the GroundhogGroundhog
Early SpringHutty the HogGroundhog
Early SpringJimmy the GroundhogGroundhog
Early SpringJosie BurrowGroundhog
Long WinterKennebec KennyGroundhog mascot
Early SpringLady Edwina of EssexGroundhog
Early SpringLander LilBronze Prairie Dog Statue
Early SpringLanding LilyGroundhog sock puppet
Early SpringLandis LouStuffed Groundhog
Early SpringLawrenceville LucyGroundhog
Long WinterLucy the LobsterLobster
Early SpringMalverne MelGroundhog
Long WinterManitoba MervGroundhog puppet
Early SpringMiddlemiss Mike and familyStuffed groundhog
No PredictionMilltown MelGroundhog
Early SpringMilwaukee County Zoo PenguinsHumboldt penguins
Early SpringMount Joy MinnieStuffed Groundhog
Early SpringMs. GGroundhog
Long WinterMT ParkerStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterMt. Gretna GradyStuffed Groundhog
Early SpringNibletGroundhog
Long WinterOctoraro OrphieTaxidermy mount Groundhog
Early SpringOkanagan OkieStuffed Yellow-bellied marmot
Long WinterOrion the DeerDeer
Early SpringPatty PagodaGroundhog mascot
Long WinterPisgah PennyWhite Squirrel
Early SpringPolk County PaulaGroundhog mascot
Early SpringPoor RichardStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterPoppy the SkunkSkunk
Long WinterPotato and YamGroundhogs
Early SpringPotawatomi PoppyGroundhog
Early SpringPotomac PhilTaxidermy Groundhog
Long WinterPrairie Dog PetePrairie Dog
Early SpringPrairie Dog PoppyPrairie Dog
Early SpringPunxsutawney PhilGroundhog
Early SpringQueen City CharlieGroundhog Mascot
Early SpringQuentin the QuahogQuahog
Early SpringRidge Lea LarryTaxidermy groundhog
Long WinterRoxbury RitaGroundhog sock puppet
Early SpringSam ChampionGroundhog
Early SpringSand Mountain SamOpossum
Early SpringSassafrasBlack bear
Long WinterSchnogadahl SammiTaxidermy Groundhog
Early SpringScramble the Duck Jr.Duck
Early SpringShubenacadie SamGroundhog
Long WinterSmith Lake JakeGroundhog
Early SpringSnerdGroundhog
Early SpringStarr LionsLion statues
Early SpringStaten Island ChuckGroundhog
Early SpringStonewall JacksonGroundhog
Early SpringStormy MarmotStuffed yellow-bellied marmot
Early SpringStumptown FilBeaver
Early SpringSusquehanna ShermanStuffed Groundhog
Early SpringSylvia, The Apex ArmadilloArmadillo
Long WinterTad and LilFrog mascots
Early SpringTinicum TimGroundhog Puppet
Early SpringTivaGroundhog
Long WinterTwo Rivers TunnelGroundhog
Early SpringUnadilla BillieStuffed groundhog
Early SpringUniTaxidermy mount Groundhog
Long WinterVan Isle VioletMarmot
Early SpringWafflesPorcupine
Early SpringWalnutHedgehog
Early SpringWiarton WillieGroundhog
Early SpringWildwood WillieStuffed Groundhog
No PredictionWill and WileyGrizzly bears
Early SpringWillow the WoodchuckGroundhog
Long WinterWoodburn Wild Charles WinchesterGroundhog
Early SpringWoodstock WillieGroundhog
Long WinterWoodyGroundhog
Early SpringYahdeeStuffed groundhog
Early SpringYonah the GroundhogGroundhog

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