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Groundhog Day 2018 Predictions

There are a lot of groundhogs and groundhog stand-ins around the world and they don't all agree on whether there will be 6 more or 6 less weeks of winter. Therefore we've collected as many predictions as we could find for Groundhog Day 2018 on this page, so we can tell you what the consensus is. If we missed a prediction, let us know.

Aggregate Groundhog Day 2018 Predictions: Long Winter

Total Predictions: 91

Long Winter : 56.04% (51 predictions)


Early Spring : 43.96% (40 predictions)


Predictions by forecaster:

Prediction Name Type
Early SpringBalzac BillyGopher mascot
Early SpringBeardsley BartStuffed Prairie Dog
Early SpringBee Cave BobArmadillo
Long WinterBenny the BassBass
Long WinterBig TexAlligator
Long WinterBirmingham BillGroundhog
Early SpringBoise BillStuffed Prairie Dog
Long WinterBuckeye ChuckGroundhog
Long WinterBuffalo BertGroundhog
Long WinterButtercupGroundhog
Long WinterChattanooga ChuckGroundhog
Long WinterChesapeake ChuckGroundhog
Early SpringChilly CharlieGroundhog mascot
Early SpringChucklesGroundhog
No PredictionCocalico CalGroundhog mascot
Long WinterConcord CasimirCat
Early SpringConcord CharlieUnseen Groundhog
Long WinterDover DougGroundhog mascot
Long WinterDozerGroundhog
Early SpringDunkirk DaveGroundhog
Early SpringEssex EdGroundhog
Long WinterFenwick FlossieGroundhog mascot
Long WinterFlatiron FreddyStuffed yellow-bellied marmot
Early SpringFred la marmotteGroundhog
Long WinterFrench Creek FreddieGroundhog
Early SpringFufu the HedgehogHedgehog
Long WinterGeneral Beauregard LeeGroundhog
Long WinterGertie the GroundhogGroundhog
Long WinterGreta the GroundhogGroundhog
Early SpringGrover the Groundhog and Sweet Arrow SueStuffed groundhog
Long WinterGrubby the GroundhogGroundhog
Long WinterHarleysville HankStuffed groundhog
Early SpringHoltsville HalGroundhog
Early SpringHutty the HogGroundhog
Long WinterJimmy the GroundhogGroundhog
Early SpringLander LilBronze Prairie Dog Statue
Early SpringLandis LouStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterLawrenceville LucyGroundhog
Early SpringLucy the LobsterLobster
Long WinterMalverne MelGroundhog
Early SpringManitoba MervGroundhog puppet
Early SpringMilltown MelGroundhog
Long WinterMinnie the skunkSkunk
Long WinterMonaGroundhog
Long WinterMount Joy MinnieStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterMs. GGroundhog
Long WinterMs. Prickle PantsHedgehog
Long WinterMt. Gretna GradyStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterMurray the GroundhogGroundhog
Early SpringOctoraro OrphieTaxidermy mount Groundhog
Long WinterOil Springs OllieGroundhog
Early SpringPatty PagodaGroundhog mascot
Long SpringPierre C. ShadeauxNutria
Long WinterPisgah PeteWhite Squirrel
Early SpringPolk County PaulaGroundhog mascot
Early SpringPoor RichardStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterPotomac PhilTaxidermy Groundhog
Long WinterPrairie Dog PetePrairie Dog
Long WinterPunxsutawney PhilGroundhog
Long WinterQueen CharlotteGroundhog
Early SpringQuigleyGroundhog
Long WinterQuilliamHedgehog
Long WinterRidge Lea LarryTaxidermy groundhog
Early SpringRufusStuffed Aplodontia Rufa
Early SpringSand Mountain SamOpossum
Long WinterSchnogadahl SammiTaxidermy Groundhog
Long WinterScramble the DuckDuck
Early SpringShipoke SheenaDog dressed as a bear pretending to be a groundhog
Early SpringShubenacadie SamGroundhog
Early SpringSir Walter WallyGroundhog
Early SpringSmith Lake JakeGroundhog
Early SpringSnerdGroundhog
Early SpringSnohomish SlewBullfrog
Early SpringSnowyPrairie Dog
Early SpringStaten Island ChuckGroundhog
Long WinterStonewall JacksonGroundhog
Early SpringStormy MarmotStuffed yellow-bellied marmot
Long WinterSunset SamGuinea Pig
Long WinterSusquehanna ShermanStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterT-Boy the NutriaNutria
Early SpringTater the HedgehogHedgehog
Long WinterTinicum TimGroundhog Puppet
Early SpringTwo Rivers TunnelGroundhog
Early SpringUnadilla BillStuffed groundhog
Long WinterUniTaxidermy mount Groundhog
Long WinterWestern Maryland MurrayGroundhog
Long WinterWiarton WillieGroundhog
Long WinterWildwood WillieStuffed Groundhog
Early SpringWill and WileyGrizzly bears
Long WinterWinnipeg WynGroundhog
Early SpringWoodburn Wild Charles WinchesterGroundhog
Long WinterWoodstock WillieGroundhog
Long WinterWoodyGroundhog

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