See the results of the Groundhog Day 2024 season.
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Countdown to Groundhog Day

We need more Groundhog Day music!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: there’s a real dearth of Groundhog Day related music and that needs to change.[]

Check out these Groundhog Day Carols!

I’ve been saying for a while that there needs to be more Groundhog Day music. Well recently I discovered that a CD of Groundhog Day Carols has existed for quite a while. Groundhog Day Carols by Jan and John Haigis was released over 10 years ago and features a number of Groundhog Day related songs sung to familiar tunes. The track list is:[]

Why isn’t there more Groundhog Day music?

We really need more Groundhog Day themed music. I’m unsure why more musicians don’t release Groundhog Day albums like they do with Christmas.
Here’s one surefire hit: The Baha Men (and Women) recording a variation on their classic “Who let the dogs out” called “Who let the groundhogs in.”[]

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