Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Design a groundhog-shaped building for our Groundhog Day 2025 art contest

Design a groundhog-shaped building and enter Countdown to Groundhog Day’s Groundhog Day 2025 art contest![]

Voting is now open for the Groundhog Day TV Specials Art Contest

Voting is now open in this year’s Groundhog Day art contest![]

Enter our Groundhog Day 2024 art contest

Enter Countdown to Groundhog Day’s Groundhog Day 2024 art contest![]

Voting is now open for the Groundhogs in Famous Artwork Art Contest

Voting is now open in this year’s Groundhog Day art contest![]

Groundhogs Around The World: Gertie the Groundhog

Learn more about Gertie the Groundhog, a Groundhog Day forecaster who lives at Wildlife Prairie Park in Illinois and has been predicting since 1993.[]

Enter our 2023 groundhog art contest

Enter Countdown to Groundhog Day’s 2023 art contest![]

Poppy the Groundhog could be named America’s Favorite Pet!

Poppy the Groundhog has made it to the semi-finals in the America’s Favorite Pet: Animal Kingdom online voting contest.[]

Happy Groundhog Day 2022!

It’s here. It’s really finally here! That’s correct, groundhog hoggers, it’s Groundhog Day![]

Voting is now open for the Groundhogs in Famous Movie Scenes Art Contest

Take some time out of your Groundhog Day preparations to vote for the winner in our groundhog art contest.[]

Groundhogs Around The World: Dunkirk Dave

Dunkirk Dave has been predicting the weather since the mid-1960s. Learn more about this New York based groundhog.[]

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