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Countdown to Groundhog Day

364 Days until Groundhog Day 2020

Groundhog Day 2019 is over, which is sad, but it just means it’s time to start counting down to Groundhog Day 2020! Only 364 more days to go![]

Groundhog Day cupcakes 2019

We made Groundhog cupcakes yesterday for Groundhog Day again using this recipe. I think they came out a little better than last year.[]

Groundhog Day 2019 review

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Groundhog Day today! I know I did! I got some great Groundhog Day presents, made some Groundhog Day cupcakes, and watched the popular Groundhog Day movie Groundhog Day. []

Happy Groundhog Day 2019!

Well the big day is finally upon us! Happy Groundhog Day everyone! []

It’s Groundhog Day Eve!

Happy Groundhog Day Eve everyone! Tomorrow is the big day! It may be hard to sleep tonight, but you should try and get to bed early, so you can be up for all of the Groundhog Day predictions in the morning![]

2 days until Groundhog Day!

Two days until Groundhog Day, or in other words, it’s Groundhog Day Eve Eve! Happy Groundhog Day Eve Eve everybody![]

“Wizard of Weather” Phantastic Phil


Buffalo Bert predicts six more weeks of winter

One groundhog has already given his winter prediction, one week before Groundhog Day.[]

5 days until Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day is in 5 days! Who else can’t wait until the weekend to celebrate the holiday?[]

Time to wrap your Groundhog Day presents

There are now only 6 days left until Groundhog Day! It’s a great time to start wrapping your Groundhog Day presents. There’s no reason to leave it until the last minute on Groundhog Day Eve. You’ll be a whole lot less stressed if you get a head start today, trust us![]

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