The Groundhog Day 2025 season is now under way! Find the latest predictions here and public events here.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day 2020!

Well the big day is finally here! It’s Groundhog Day, again![]

A few early Groundhog Day predictions have been made

Well it’s not looking good for an early spring.[]

Happy Groundhog Day Eve!

Happy Groundhog Day Eve everyone![]

Teasers for Groundhog Day Super Bowl commercial released

It appears that the rumors we discussed last weekend are true. Today Jeep released two teaser trailers for a Groundhog Day themed Big Game commercial.[]

Find a Groundhog Day Celebration near you!

Groundhog Day is now only 2 days away, and you probably already know what you’re doing this weekend, but on the off chance that you haven’t made plans, you might want to see if there’s a local groundhog or groundhog stand-in near you.[]

One week until Groundhog Day 2020!

There’s now only 1 week until Groundhog Day 2020! Is the anticipation too much to bear groundhog for you as well?[]

Bill Murray returns to Woodstock, Illinois to shoot new Groundhog Day related commercial for Jeep?

There have been a number of reports that Bill Murray was back in Woodstock, Illinois (the filming location of the 1993 classic Groundhog Day) this weekend, shooting a commercial for Jeep.[]

Buffalo Bert provides first Winter prediction of the Groundhog Day season

Groundhog Day is still over a week away, but Buffalo Groundhog Day took place today, January 25th, in Buffalo, New York.[]

Groundhogs Around The World: Shubenacadie Sam

Are you aware of Shubenacadie Sam, one of Canada’s most powerful weather predicting groundhogs?[]

“Fireman Phil” Phantastic Phil

“Fireman Phil” is one of the Phantastic Phil statues that can be found around town in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. According to the Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce this Phil “is a tribute to the late firefighter Leroy ‘Cookie’ Depp. ” Additionally on the statue there are patches from three local fire companies as well as the number worn by Leroy. Leroy’s family sponsored the creation of the statue, not just as a memorial to Depp, but “as a tribute to volunteer firefighters everywhere.”[]

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