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Countdown to Groundhog Day

What’s the consensus among Groundhog Day forecasters for 2023?

We here at Countdown to Groundhog Day have spent the last few days since the holiday tracking down as many Groundhog Day forecaster predictions as we could find. As of press time, we have 90 predictions for Groundhog Day 2023 in our database. So what is the overall consensus of the prognosticators? Is there going to be a long winter or will we have an early spring?

Well as of right now, neither.

Groundhog Day 2023 predictions

That’s right, the predictions are split right down the middle! But we’re not confident in declaring it a tie just yet. There are definitely still some predictions which we haven’t received yet, and they could either tip it in one direction or another, or we could just end up with an even split again.

We’ll keep working on it, but for the first time since we’ve been actively tracking Groundhog Day predictions there’s no clear winner. If you happen to know of a prediction that we’re missing, please let us know.

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