See the results of the Groundhog Day 2024 season.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Groundhogs Around The World: Gertie the Groundhog

Learn more about Gertie the Groundhog, a Groundhog Day forecaster who lives at Wildlife Prairie Park in Illinois and has been predicting since 1993.[]

Groundhog Day is going to look a little different this year, but also the same

There have been a number of changes to the Groundhog Day forecasting scene last year, and Groundhog Day might be a little different for you depending on who your local prognosticator is.[]

Check out our list of Groundhog Day 2022 events

Groundhog Day 2022 is less than 4 weeks away and we’ve begun compiling a list of these Groundhog Day celebrations.[]

Normalize asking people who their favorite Groundhog Day forecaster is

You know what’s a great conversation starter? “Who is your favorite Groundhog Day forecaster?” []

Cat predicts weather by eating pierogies

Did you know that there’s a cat in Ohio who forecasts the weather each Groundhog Day by eating pierogies? It’s true![]

List of Groundhog Day forecasters still growing

We have the most comprehensive list of Groundhog Day forecasters anywhere, and it just keeps getting more and more comprehensive.[]

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