The Groundhog Day 2025 season is now under way! Find the latest predictions here and public events here.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Groundhogs Around The World: Gertie the Groundhog

Learn more about Gertie the Groundhog, a Groundhog Day forecaster who lives at Wildlife Prairie Park in Illinois and has been predicting since 1993.[]

Groundhog Day is going to look a little different this year, but also the same

There have been a number of changes to the Groundhog Day forecasting scene last year, and Groundhog Day might be a little different for you depending on who your local prognosticator is.[]

Check out our list of Groundhog Day 2022 events

Groundhog Day 2022 is less than 4 weeks away and we’ve begun compiling a list of these Groundhog Day celebrations.[]

Normalize asking people who their favorite Groundhog Day forecaster is

You know what’s a great conversation starter? “Who is your favorite Groundhog Day forecaster?” []

Cat predicts weather by eating pierogies

Did you know that there’s a cat in Ohio who forecasts the weather each Groundhog Day by eating pierogies? It’s true![]

List of Groundhog Day forecasters still growing

We have the most comprehensive list of Groundhog Day forecasters anywhere, and it just keeps getting more and more comprehensive.[]

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