Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Shipoke Sheena has officially retired

There’s one less dog dressed as a bear pretending to be a groundhog in the Groundhog Day forecasting game.[]

Groundhogs Around The World: Dunkirk Dave

Dunkirk Dave has been predicting the weather since the mid-1960s. Learn more about this New York based groundhog.[]

Enter our groundhog art contest!

We’re holding an art contest! Enter to win great* prizes![]

Check out our list of Groundhog Day 2022 events

Groundhog Day 2022 is less than 4 weeks away and we’ve begun compiling a list of these Groundhog Day celebrations.[]

Build-A-Groundhog 2022

Get your own Build-A-Groundhog this year![]

New Groundhog Day Forecasters Word Search available

Check out our new Groundhog Day Forecasters Word Search![]

Scramble the Duck passes away

Scramble the Duck, one of the world’s most prominent weather predicting birds, has sadly passed away, at the age of 7.[]

We need more Groundhog Day themed movies – here are a few great ideas for some

There’s a real dearth of Groundhog Day themed movies/tv shows, and we really think there should be more, so we’ve created a few pitches for Groundhog Day related content.[]

60 days until Groundhog Day 2022!

There are now only 60 days left until Groundhog Day 2022! Now is the perfect time to let that special someone know that you’d like to spend the holiday with them![]

Get your Groundhog Day shopping done early!

Time to get your Groundhog Day shopping done!

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