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Countdown to Groundhog Day

We need more Groundhog Day music!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: there’s a real dearth of Groundhog Day related music and that needs to change.[]

80 days until Groundhog Day 2021!

Time is really flying now! There are only 80 days until Groundhog Day 2021![]

Funko releasing Groundhog Day themed products for Groundhog Day 2021

Funko has announced that they are releasing a Funko Pop! figure based on Phil Connors from the movie Grounhog Day. The figure comes with a mini Punxsutawney Phil.[]

Thank you Beautiful/Anonymous listeners!

So, in the past week since my episode of Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People aired, lots of listeners of the show have visited this website, and I just wanted to thank everyone who has stopped by.[]

Farewell Chuckles X

Back in October, the Groundhog Day predicting world lost another member. Connecticut’s Chuckles X has died.[]

Groundhogs Around The World: Susquehanna Sherman

Since the mid 2000s, a stuffed groundhog named Susquehanna Sherman has been predicting the weather on Groundhog Day to an audience of two people in Pennsylvania.[]

Welcome Beautiful/Anonymous listeners!

Welcome all visitors who have come to Countdown to Groundhog Day after listening to us on the popular podcast “Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People.”[]

3 months until Groundhog Day 2021!

There are now only 3 months until Groundhog Day 2021. []

Halloween is over. Time to get ready for Groundhog Day!

Now that Halloween is over, it’s time to start preparing for the furriest holiday of the year! Who else is putting up their Groundhog Day decorations today, picking up their groundhog, and starting to listen to their favorite Groundhog Day playlist?[]

Winnipeg Wyn passes away

Sadly Winnipeg Wyn, the groundhog prognosticator who has predicted the weather at the Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre for the last few years, passed away at the end of August. The news was shared via a post by the centre’s Facebook page.[]

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