Looking for Groundhog Day 2022 merchandise? Well, we’ve got it![…]
Did you know that there’s a cat in Ohio who forecasts the weather each Groundhog Day by eating pierogies? It’s true![…]
We have the most comprehensive list of Groundhog Day forecasters anywhere, and it just keeps getting more and more comprehensive.[…]
This past weekend on Martin Z. Mollusk Day (May 8th) Martin Z. Mollusk predicted an early Summer for Ocean City, New Jersey.[…]
Believe it or not, it’s already been 3 months since Groundhog Day 2021, which means Groundhog Day 2022 is only 9 months away! Are you starting to get excited?[…]
The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club is once again holding their annual Worldwide Adventures of Phil contest.[…]
Tom Hanks was in consideration for the role of Phil Connors in Groundhog Day, but ultimately admitted that Bill Murray was a much better choice.[…]
Only 364 days until Groundhog Day 2022 arrives![…]
After compiling all of the Groundhog Day predictions we could find, it appears as if an Early Spring is on its way for 2021.[…]
Groundhog Day 2021 is FINALLLY here![…]
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