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Reading Groundhog Day Books on National Reading Day

Today, January 23rd, 2017 is National Reading Day. Since Groundhog Day is next week, I decided to read my children a few of the Groundhog Day related books we have lining our bookshelves. After I read them the books, I asked the kids for their opinions on them. My son (8) was a little more critical than my daughter (6) but they both seemed to really enjoy all of them.  Below are the books we read, the publisher’s summary, then either my son or daughter’s summary, and their ratings of each book. If you have any opinions on these books or have any other Groundhog Day books you enjoy, let us know!

Every Groundhog has it’s Day

Book: Every Groundhog has it’s Day by R.E. Skibiski 

Publisher’s summary: In EVERY GROUNDHOG HAS ITS DAY, a humdrum groundhog goes out on Groundhog Day Eve to gather enough food to tide him over, for he loathes the next day’s holiday and plans on waiting it out in his den. Feeling overlooked by all the folks who choose to pay attention to Pennsylvania’s far-famed groundhog, he’s not a happy camper at all. While he’s out searching, it happens that some flies on rotting berries spot the woebegone woodchuck, strike up a conversation with him, and after hearing his gripes, give him some advice. Contrary to what you might think, such advice isn’t one bit rotten, and in the end, the insightful insects’ pep talk helps the groundhog see things anew.

My son’s summary:
It was where some flies gave the Groundhog some advice, some good advice.

My son’s rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
My daughter’s rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Book: Double Trouble Groundhog Day by Bethany Roberts and Lorinda Bryan Cauley 

Publisher’s summary:

Grampie Groundhog decides to turn over the family job of forecasting the weather to one of his grandchildren. But which one? Gregory wants to do it but so does his twin, Greta. The two draw straws and Gregory wins. Right before the big day Gregory loses his glasses, so it’s Greta to the rescue. Together, the twins announce “Spring is coming!” and everyone celebrates.

My son’s summary:
This was about, I’d say, at first Greta and Gregory were having problems with each other but then Gregory drawed the stick and became the groundhog who would predict the weather and he lost his glasses so Greta helped him, and the book was about them being a good team.

My son’s rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
My daughter’s rating: 5 out of 5 stars


Groundhog’s Dilemma by Kristen Remenar and Matt Faulkner

Publisher’s summary: After Groundhog announces six more weeks of winter, half his animal friends are disappointed, while the other half are excited. Each animal asks Groundhog to make his prediction in their favor the following year. Rather than being truthful about the fact that he just “calls it like he sees it,” he leads them to believe he can control the weather, accepting their gifts of food and favor. On the next Groundhog Day, he finally admits he made promises he couldn’t keep because he was trying to please everyone and makes amends.

My daughter’s summary:
It was about the groundhog predicted a year and then the other animals told him what they wanted and asked him for it, and he said yes to all of them, but then he could only predict the weather, he couldn’t actually make it happen, so he saw his shadow, so six more weeks of winter was what he had to do.

My son’s rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
My daughter’s rating: 5 out of 5 stars


Ten Grouchy Groundhogs  by Kathryn Heling (Author), Deborah Hembrook (Author), and Jay Johnson (Illustrator)

Publisher’s summary:

In this alliterative countdown book, ten groundhogs cannot wait for winter to end so they can get out of their den!

Ten grouchy groundhogs
Crowded in their den,
They squirmed and they stretched
And then…then…then…

TEN GROUCHY GROUNDHOGS is a hilarious countdown story about a den of grouchy, grubby, gobbling, gabby, giggly, groovy, graceful, glitzy, gleeful, groggy groundhogs getting ready for their great big day.

My daughter’s summary:
The book was about the groundhogs and they each did a different activity and then one said that they wanted to go out, out, out then.

My son’s rating: 3 out of 5 stars
My daughter’s rating: 5 out of 5 stars

In addition to the above books another one you might want to check out is Groundhog’s Runaway Shadow by David Biedrzycki. We haven’t read it yet, since we just learned about it on Twitter this morning, but it sounds fun. I ordered it and we’ll review it in a future post once it arrives.

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