I know I’m going to have a hard time sleeping tonight.[…]
So it’s really almost here! Groundhog Day is tomorrow! Are your Groundhog Day presents wrapped? Do you have your groundhog? Happy Groundhog Day Eve everyone![…]
2 days until the shadowiest day of the year![…]
Only 5 days until our favorite holiday, Groundhog Day! If you haven’t started your Groundhog Day shopping, start your Groundhog Day shopping![…]
One week until we’re all looking out for shadows and hugging our Groundhogs![…]
Only 2 weeks until Groundhog Day! What are you doing to get ready?[…]
Only 16 days until Groundhog Day! If you haven’t ordered your Groundhog Day greeting cards, it’s really time to do so! Check out the great Groundhog Day cards below![…]
Philtuminous: The Heritage Hog – This Phantistic Phil is sponsored by the Miller Brothers Furniture and is located on West Mahoning Street in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.[…]
This is the stump at Gobbler’s Knob that Punxsutawney Phil is pulled out of every Groundhog Day during the Punxsutawney’s Groundhog Day ceremony.[…]
This is Phillage, the first Phantastic Phil, which was painted by artist Kelly Porada. It features Phil with the traditional tuxedo and top hat worn by the caretakers of Punxsutawney Phil.[…]
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