The Groundhog Day 2025 season is now under way! Find the latest predictions here and public events here.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today you should stuff your face, just like Phil Connors did when he realized he was repeating the same day over and over and there were no consequences to what he did![]

There are now only 75 Days until Groundhog Day 2019!

In 75 days we’ll all be celebrating the most magical/furriest day of the year. What Groundhog Day tradition do you most look forward to?[]

In an early screenplay Phil Connors manages to leave Punxsutawney

Did you know that in the original screenplay of “Groundhog Day”, after many years of repeating the same day over and over, Phil Connors steals an airplane and actually manages to leave Punxsutawney, flying to his mother’s house in Cleveland? The scene, found in Danny Rubin’s excellent How to Write Groundhog Day, goes as such:[]

How old is Punxsutawney Phil? Pretty old.

Did you know that there has only ever been one Punxsutawney Phil? It’s true.[]

What’s YOUR favorite Groundhog Day related movie?

What’s YOUR favorite Groundhog Day related movie? Is it “Groundhog Day” or maybe “Groundhog Day?” Let us know in the comments![]

“Spirit of Punxsutawney” Phantastic Phil


80 days until Groundhog Day 2019!

So Groundhog Day 2019 is rapidly approaching! There are only 80 days left until everybody’s favorite holiday. It’s time to start getting excited![]

Only 364 more days until Groundhog Day 2019!

Well another Groundhog Day has come and gone, but the next Groundhog Day is only 364 more days away! Hope all of your Groundhog Day wishes came true, and remember to keep the spirit of Groundhog Day in your heart all year ‘round![]

Six more weeks of winter 2018 according to Punxsutawney Phil

So Punxsutawney Phil has spoken! Six more weeks of winter! Sorry everybody![]

It’s Groundhog Day!

So it’s finally here! The day we wait all year for: Groundhog Day! So go, get your groundhog and see whether or not he or she sees his or her shadow… Sing Groundhog Day carols… listen to Bill Murray and Stephen Tobolowsky recount stories about filming “Groundhog Day” at your Groundhog Day party… and just generally enjoy being with your loved ones on this most joyous and furry day…[]

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