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Countdown to Groundhog Day

15 days until Groundhog Day!

That’s right, we are getting really close here! Only 15 days until Groundhog Day! []

Ned got punched more in original Groundhog Day script

Did you know that in Danny Rubin’s original screenplay for Groundhog Day, punching Ned Ryerson is just another part of Phil Connors’ daily routine and happens continually throughout the script. Although we might assume the same in the movie, we only actually see him deck Ned one time on screen. []

Groundhog Day Haiku #2

Here’s another haiku we wrote about Groundhog Day: []

20 days until Groundhog Day!

That’s right! Only 20 days until the best holiday of the year!


Groundhog cupcakes

For last Groundhog Day we made groundhog cupcakes using this recipe.[]

Groundhogs Around the World

You’ve heard of Punxsutawney Phil. You’ve probably heard of Staten Island Chuck and Buckeye Chuck. But do you know about Beardsley Bart or Milltown Mel? []

Only 25 Days until Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day is now only 25 days away! It’s time for you to get your Groundhog Day party supplies, if you haven’t already![]

Groundhog(stand-ins) Around the world: Mojave Maxine

In a sort of variation on the Groundhog Day tradition, The Living Desert in Palm Desert, California uses a desert tortoise named Mojave Maxine to determine when Spring has arrived. []

1 month until Groundhog Day!

Christmas is over and the New Year is here! Groundhog Day is now only 1 month away! So start writing out those Groundhog Day cards, invite Bill Murray to your Groundhog Day party, and start shopping for your Groundhog Day presents![]

Groundhogs Around The World: Raleigh’s Sir Walter Wally

Since 1998, the groundhog known as Sir Walter Wally has been forecasting the weather at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, North Carolina. Every Groundhog Day there is a Shadow Ceremony on the Museum’s front steps with the mayor of Raleigh presiding as the “Groundhog Whisperer.”[]

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