The Groundhog Day 2025 season is now under way! Find the latest predictions here and public events here.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

20 days until Groundhog Day!

It’s almost here![]

Only 25 days until Groundhog Day!


27 days until Groundhog Day!

27 days until Groundhog Day! Looking for some great Groundhog Day jokes to amuse your friends and family? Well we’ve got some – be sure to check them out! If you know of any other good ones share them here![]

29 days until Groundhog Day

29 days until Groundhog Day! What’s your favorite Groundhog Day memory?[]

30 days until Groundhog Day

30 days left until Groundhog Day![]

1 month until Groundhog Day!

Only 1 month until Groundhog Day! Just think of all the Groundhog Day fun you’ll be having in a mere 31 days from now![]

Happy New Year! 32 days until Groundhog Day!

Happy New Year everyone! As 2017 begins, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that the thing we’re most excited for this year, is Groundhog Day, which will be here in 32 days. Am I right, or am I right, or am I right? Right? Right?[]

33 more days until Groundhog Day 2017

Happy New Years Eve! Only 33 more days until Groundhog Day. If you’re looking for more fun Groundhog Day activities to do with your kids, look no further. We’ve just added some Groundhog Day word searches for you to print out and enjoy. Have fun![]

5 weeks until Groundhog Day 2017

Only 5 more weeks (or 35 days) until Groundhog Day![]

36 days until Groundhog Day

36 more days until the big day! If you’re looking for Ecards to send to your loved ones, we’ve got them. Send one to your friends or family today![]

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