Thanksgiving is over and now there are only 70 days until Groundhog Day![…]
75 Days until Groundhog Day! Did you know that in Danny Rubin’s original script Phil woke up at 6:30AM every day? As we all know that was eventually changed to 6:00AM for the film.[…]
Only 80 days until Groundhog Day 2018! Did you know that this will be Punxsutawney Phil’s 132nd prognostication?[…]
It’s true, in 85 days, it’ll be the fuzziest day of the year! What’s your favorite Groundhog Day memory?[…]
Only 3 more months until Groundhog Day 2018! Who’s excited?[…]
Only 10 months until we’re all cuddling our groundhogs![…]
11 months until Groundhog Day – I know it seems like a long time, but 11 months isn’t THAT long![…]
Today is the 12th day of Groundhog Day, officially ending the Groundhog Day season! But don’t worry, there are only 354 days left until next Groundhog Day![…]
Well Groundhog Day 2017 is over! We hope you had a wonderful holiday yesterday. If you’re having the “after Groundhog Day blues”, we certainly know how it feels. But just try to remember all the fun you had during the Groundhog Day season this year and know that the next Groundhog Day is already on it’s way! Only 364 days until Groundhog Day 2018! And if you need a little Groundhog Day pick me up, we’re always here.[…]
Essex Ed, arguably the world’s second most famous Groundhog, agreed with Punxsutawney Phil, his mentor, and saw his shadow this morning, predicting six more weeks of winter. We were there for the reading of his prediction and the crowds were even larger than the crowds in Punxsutawney! Essex Ed resides at the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, New Jersey.[…]
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