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Countdown to Groundhog Day

60 days until Groundhog Day 2018!

60 days until Groundhog Day! Have you booked Stephen Tobolowsky or Bill Murray for your Groundhog Day party yet?[]

65 days until Groundhog Day 2018

Only 65 days until Groundhog Day 2018! Have you started your Groundhog Day shopping yet?[]

Stop the war on Groundhog Day!

Only 68 more days until Groundhog Day! All I know is, Starbucks better have Groundhogs on their cups this Groundhog Day season![]

70 days until Groundhog Day 2018!

Thanksgiving is over and now there are only 70 days until Groundhog Day![]

75 Days until Groundhog Day!

75 Days until Groundhog Day! Did you know that in Danny Rubin’s original script Phil woke up at 6:30AM every day? As we all know that was eventually changed to 6:00AM for the film.[]

80 more days until Groundhog Day!

Only 80 days until Groundhog Day 2018! Did you know that this will be Punxsutawney Phil’s 132nd prognostication?[]

85 more days until Groundhog Day!

It’s true, in 85 days, it’ll be the fuzziest day of the year! What’s your favorite Groundhog Day memory?[]

3 months until Groundhog Day 2018!

Only 3 more months until Groundhog Day 2018! Who’s excited?[]

10 months until Groundhog Day!

Only 10 months until we’re all cuddling our groundhogs![]

11 months until Groundhog Day

11 months until Groundhog Day – I know it seems like a long time, but 11 months isn’t THAT long![]

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