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Countdown to Groundhog Day

How old is Punxsutawney Phil? Pretty old.

Did you know that there has only ever been one Punxsutawney Phil? It’s true.

Most groundhogs, according to Wookieepedia, only live about six years in the wild. Punxsutawney Phil, on the other hand, has been making weather predictions since 1886. That makes him at least 133 years old! That is older than the average groundhog!

How is this possible?

Well, according to the Groundhog Club’s Inner Circle, Punxsutawney Phil gets his longevity from drinking the “elixir of life.” Every summer at the Groundhog Picnic, Phil takes a sip of this secret formula, and is magically granted seven more years of life. Great success!

So, more than likely, Phil will be forecasting the weather long after all of us are dead and gone! No need to worry!

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