The Groundhog Day 2025 season is now under way! Find the latest predictions here and public events here.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

13 days until Groundhog Day!

13 days until Groundhog Day![]

Groundhog Day is February’s Halloween


Reblog if you leave your Groundhog Day shopping until the last minute

Reblog if you’re one of those people who always leaves your Groundhog Day shopping until the last minute! You know who you are![]

2 weeks until Groundhog Day!

It’s true! Two weeks from now you’ll be waking up to the fuzziest day of the year.[]

15 days until Groundhog Day!

15 days until Groundhog Day![]

16 days until Groundhog Day

16 days until Groundhog Day! Have you wrapped your Groundhog Day gifts yet? If not, we’ve got a bunch of different Groundhog Day wrapping paper for you to use.[]

In a world full of Phil Connors, be a Ned Ryerson.

In a world full of Phil Connors, be a Ned Ryerson.[]

Punksutenink Phil

This is one of the Phantastic Phils that populate Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, named “Punksutenink Phil” created by artist Robin McIvaine. This statue is a nod to the name[]

18 days until Groundhog Day!

18 days until Groundhog Day! Are you hoping for six more or six less weeks of winter?[]

19 days until Groundhog Day

Only 19 days until Groundhog Day! If you haven’t written out your Groundhog Day cards yet, what are you waiting for? Time is running out! And as we always say around the Countdown to Groundhog Day offices, “If you don’t care enough to send a Groundhog Day card, you don’t care enough.”[]

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