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Countdown to Groundhog Day

62 more days until Groundhog Day!

62 days until Groundhog Day![]

9 more weeks/63 more days

Only 9 more weeks left until the most magical day of the year, Groundhog Day![]

64 days until Groundhog Day

Only 64 days until the groundhog decides whether we’ll have an early spring or a long winter![]

65 days until Groundhog Day 2016/The true meaning of Groundhog Day

Only 65 more days to go. As we rapidly approach Groundhog Day, try to keep in mind what the Groundhog Day season is all about: Groundhogs. And shadows. And six more weeks of winter. Or Six less weeks of winter if the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow. And Bill Murray. And Andie MacDowell. And Stephen Tobolowsky. And Chris Elliott.[]

66 more days until February 2nd

Groundhog Day will be here in 66 days. How many groundhogs do you usually get each year? Just one, or one for every room in the house?[]

67 Days until Groundhog Day

67 days left! Has anybody seen any Groundhog Day stuff in stores yet? []

68 days until Groundhog Day

Only 68 days until the groundhog sees his shadow or doesn’t see it! I know some people might think it’s too early to be counting down to Groundhog Day, but to that I say: it’s NEVER too early to count down to Groundhog Day. You should start counting down to the next Groundhog Day on February 3rd every year. I know there are a few other holidays in between now and February 2nd, but does anyone really care about Black Friday and Boxing Day anyway? []

69 days until Groundhog Day

Only 69 days left until Groundhog Day. Time to book Bill Murray or Stephen Tobolowsky for your Groundhog Day party. []

Only 10 weeks until Groundhog Day!

Only 10 more weeks until Groundhog Day 2016! Pick up your Groundhog Day cards today! []

No Build-a-Groundhog this year

A few years ago Build-A-Bear Workshop, the place in the mall where you can build your own bear, had a promotion where you could build your own groundhog. It was a great idea, and it seems like something that should be offered frequently, if not every single year. We were wondering if they’d give customers the ability to create their own groundhog this coming Groundhog Day season, so we reached out to their customer service. Unfortunately, this is the response we got back:[]

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