Reblog if you’re one of those people who always leaves your Groundhog Day shopping until the last minute! You know who you are![…]
It’s true! Two weeks from now you’ll be waking up to the fuzziest day of the year.[…]
15 days until Groundhog Day![…]
16 days until Groundhog Day! Have you wrapped your Groundhog Day gifts yet? If not, we’ve got a bunch of different Groundhog Day wrapping paper for you to use.[…]
In a world full of Phil Connors, be a Ned Ryerson.[…]
17 days until Groundhog Day! Bing![…]
Can you find the Groundhog in the Bill Murrays?[…]
This is one of the Phantastic Phils that populate Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, named “Punksutenink Phil” created by artist Robin McIvaine. This statue is a nod to the name[…]
18 days until Groundhog Day! Are you hoping for six more or six less weeks of winter?[…]
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