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Countdown to Groundhog Day

Only 25 Days until Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day is now only 25 days away! It’s time for you to get your Groundhog Day party supplies, if you haven’t already![]

Groundhog(stand-ins) Around the world: Mojave Maxine

In a sort of variation on the Groundhog Day tradition, The Living Desert in Palm Desert, California uses a desert tortoise named Mojave Maxine to determine when Spring has arrived. []

1 month until Groundhog Day!

Christmas is over and the New Year is here! Groundhog Day is now only 1 month away! So start writing out those Groundhog Day cards, invite Bill Murray to your Groundhog Day party, and start shopping for your Groundhog Day presents![]

Groundhogs Around The World: Raleigh’s Sir Walter Wally

Since 1998, the groundhog known as Sir Walter Wally has been forecasting the weather at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, North Carolina. Every Groundhog Day there is a Shadow Ceremony on the Museum’s front steps with the mayor of Raleigh presiding as the “Groundhog Whisperer.”[]

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Remember Christmas is December’s Groundhog Day![]

40 days until Groundhog Day 2019!

There’s a lot of excitement and anticipation today. Why? Because Groundhog Day 2019 is now only 40 days away![]

Groundhog Day Haiku #1

There’s a real dearth of groundhog/Groundhog Day haiku out there, so we’re going to change that. Here’s our first Groundhog Day related Haiku: []

Groundhogs Around The World: Milwaukee County Zoo’s Gordy

There are lots of groundhogs and Groundhog Day ceremonies around the world. One of these groundhogs is Gordy, a brand new groundhog at the Milwaukee County Zoo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.[]

Why are groundhogs called woodchucks?

Groundhogs are also known as woodchucks, but why? We’ll tell you.[]

Only 60 more days until Groundhog Day 2019!

So there are now only 60 days until our favorite day of the year. Have you put your inflatable groundhog out on the lawn yet? There’s no reason to wait any longer.[]

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