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Countdown to Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil and Phyllis’ groundhog twins have been named

As discussed in our emergency podcast episode released yesterday, Punxsutawney Phyllis and Punxsutawney Phil welcomed two groundhog babies to the world on March 23rd of this year. And now, their names have finally been chose.

The birth of the groundhog twins was a surprise to the world at large, as well as Phyllis and Phil’s handlers. Nobody, besides perhaps Phyllis and Phil, was aware Phyllis was pregnant.

The young groundhogs, a boy and a girl, were not given names immediately. Instead, the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club decided to allow residents, and visitors to the town, the opportunity to offer input as to what the twins should be called. Suggestion boxes were placed in different location around the town, and, from April 30th through May 9th, names could be written on slips of paper and submitted.

Today, on Mother’s Day, the names were finally revealed by Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Vice President Dan McGinley. The girl was given the name Sunny, while the boy will be known as Shadow.

We here at Countdown to Groundhog Day had a number of ideas/suggestions for what the twins should be called, and we’re a little surprised that they weren’t given “P” names like their parents. However, these names, which are related to Phil’s weather predicting talent, do seem appropriate.

Will these groundhogs stay in Punxsutawney with their parents, or will they be courted by other towns in Pennsylvania (or others States? Countries?) without their own Groundhog Day forecaster, as we’ve been suggesting? Since their father is immortal, they will never have the opportunity to take over the family business, at least if they stay in Punxsutawney. But perhaps they can strike out on their own and predict the weather elsewhere in the state. Could Sunny become known as Scranton Sunny? Could Shadow gain fame as Shickshinny Shadow? Time will tell.

What do you think of these names? Send us an email or leave a comment below.

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