The Groundhog Day 2025 season is now under way! Find the latest predictions here and public events here.
Find out what your groundhog name would be with our Groundhog Name Generator.
Countdown to Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day Forecasters in Connecticut

United States: Alabama | California | Colorado | Connecticut | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

Canada: Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Nova Scotia | Ontario | Quebec

We are currently tracking 5 Groundhog Day forecasters located in Connecticut. They are listed below. If you think we've missed a Groundhog Day forecaster, feel free to let us know.

Name Forecaster Type Location Year of Last Known Prediction
Beardsley BartStuffed Prairie DogBridgeport, CT2025
ChucklesGroundhogManchester, CT2025
PhoebeHedgehogManchester, CT2021
Scramble the Duck (Deceased)DuckEastford, CT2021
Scramble the Duck Jr.DuckEastford, CT2025

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