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1982 Groundhog Day Predictions

There are a lot of groundhogs and groundhog stand-ins around the world and they don't all agree on whether there will be 6 more or 6 less weeks of winter. Therefore we've collected as many predictions as we could find for Groundhog Day 1982 on this page, so we can tell you what the consensus is. If we missed a prediction, let us know.

Aggregate Groundhog Day 1982 Prediction: It's a tie. Looks like there will be both an early spring as well as 6 more weeks of winter.

Total Predictions: 8

Long Winter : 50% (4 predictions)


Early Spring : 50% (4 predictions)


Predictions by forecaster:

Prediction Name Type
No PredictionBuckeye ChuckGroundhog
Early SpringConcord CharlieUnseen Groundhog
No PredictionFrench Creek FreddieGroundhog
Early SpringGeneral Beauregard LeeGroundhog
Early SpringJimmy the GroundhogGroundhog
Long WinterOctoraro OrphieStuffed Groundhog
Long WinterPunxsutawney PhilGroundhog
Long WinterQuentin the QuahogQuahog
Early SpringStaten Island ChuckGroundhog
Long WinterWoodrow K. ChuckGroundhog

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