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Countdown to Groundhog Day

Joy to the groundhog Lyrics

Verse 1

Joy to the groundhog! The groundhog's great!;
Let him not see his shadow;
Let every spring, come six weeks early,
And Punxsutawney townsfolk sing,
And Punxsutawney townsfolk sing,
And Punxsutawney, and Punxsutawney, townsfolk sing.

Verse 2

Joy to the groundhog! The groundhog's neat!;
Let groundhogs sing groundhog songs;
In fields and floods, rocks, hills, and burrows
Repeat the sounding growl,
Repeat the sounding growl,
Repeat, repeat the sounding growl.

Verse 3

No more let shadows be cast,
Nor winter last six more weeks;
He comes to make a prediction to the world,
Don't curse him if he sees his shadow,
Don't curse him if he sees his shadow,
Don't curse him, don't curse him, if he sees his shadow.

Verse 4

He rules the weather by seeing his shadow or not,
And makes the nations cold or warm
The glories of his prognostication,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders, wonders, of his love.


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